Child Support in Thailand

Under Thai family law, both parents are obligated to financially support their children until they reach legal age. This can be decided through a mutual agreement or by court order. The child support should cover expenses such as food, clothing, shelter and medicine.

Unmarried biological fathers in Thailand can only acquire custodial rights if they legitimize the child through a district office. Otherwise, they can seek child support from the mother.

Unmarried Couples in Alimony or Child Support Payment Disputes

Under Thai law both parents are obliged to financially support their children until the child reaches legal age (20 years old). The amount of child support can be agreed upon by mutual written conformity or can be imposed by court order. The money is meant for the child’s expenses and should not be used for the custodial parent’s personal benefit.

The courts decide on child support amounts by looking at relative incomes and expenses of the parties. They also take into consideration what assets each party owns. For parents residing abroad, the courts work with local authorities to seize properties owned by them in Thailand for non-payment of child support.

We have seen cases where a foreign man is ordered by the Thai court to pay child support for his three children but then flees back to his home country. This can result in an arrest warrant being issued. To avoid this it is best to seek advice from a family lawyer in Thailand.

Foreigners in Thailand

In Thailand, child support is a legal obligation of parents. It can be settled through mutual agreement or by court order. The amount should cover the child’s expenses, including food and shelter, clothing, medicine and education. It should not be used for the parent’s personal benefit. Parents can also include arrangements for child support in their divorce agreements.

UNICEF is working closely with the Thai government to develop a national child support grant modelled on similar schemes in middle income countries. Research has shown that investing in children during their formative years yields the highest long term returns for both the child and society.

Foreign Fathers in Thailand

Child support is a critical aspect of family law that safeguards the welfare of children even after parents have separated or divorced. The amount of money to be paid is usually based on the relative incomes of the parents and what they are capable of paying based on their assets, expenses, and other factors.

Both parents are legally obligated to provide financial support to their children until the kids reach legal age or a specified date in a court order. The amount of money for child support should cover basic needs like food, shelter, clothing, medicine and education. It should not be used for either parent’s personal benefits.

Often, foreign fathers in Thailand prefer to make a lump-sum payment for child support. This way, they can avoid having to wire the payments using expensive money transfer services. Moreover, they can also use their US bank accounts to send the money in bulk, which is cheaper than paying each month.

Foreign Mothers in Thailand

Under Thai family law both parents are legally obligated to provide financial support for their children until they reach legal age. This can be settled by mutual agreement or by a court order. The child support should cover the basic necessities including food and shelter, clothing, and medicine. It should not be used for either parent’s personal benefit.

The amount of child support in Thailand is determined by a combination of legal provisions and cultural considerations. The proportional contribution takes into account the child’s needs, both parent’s income and circumstances, as well as other factors that may impact the child’s welfare.

It is a common practice for foreigners to make arrangements regarding child support in their divorce settlements. If the parties are able to come up with a suitable arrangement, it can be incorporated into the divorce case and registered with a district office. This will enable the agreement to be enforced by the Thai courts and government department.

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